Donnie Roses is back with a new edition of the Quick Six series we started a while ago! Their guest this week is Kevin Blackwood!
Kevin Blackwood is a vegan straight edge wrestler and tattooer from Buffalo, NY. He made his AEW debut this month and he’s someone to keep your eye on! This is his Quick Six!
Q: It’s been great seeing you in AEW. How did you and the company come together?A: “The boys and I were supposed to do work for them in March when they were originally scheduled to come to Rochester. Unfortunately COVID happened and obviously plans changed, but the Butcher and the Blade are close friends of ours and kept on them to bring us in.”
Q: Lists are always cool so what are your top three all time favorite wrestlers?
A: “Oh god. I hate having to narrow it down completely but top 3: Bryan Danielson, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and as evidenced by my newest trunks, Randy Savage.“
Q: Since we’re both tattooers, who do you think has the best and worst tattoos in professional wrestling?
A: “Best is tough. I think CM Punk might be one of the only wrestlers in the world who’s covered in legitimately good tattoos, I’ll say him. Worst is me, hands down.”
Q: If you were stranded on a desert island and you could somehow watch one PPV, what would it be?
A: “Summerslam 02. Rey vs Angle is the hottest hot open, Shawn’s return is nuts, Rock vs Brock goes hard. I love that show.”
Q: Davey Havok vs Danzig
Who wins the match and what’s the finish?
A: “Davey, no doubt. Danzig runs his mouth but Davey pits hard. Definitely finishes him with that crazy jumping spin kick he does in the Leaving Song Pt 2 video.”
Q: The final is a two part question: Who do you want to see wrestle in a dream match and who would you wrestle for you own personal dream match?
A: “Some of my favorite matches have been Bryan Danielson vs Kenta matches, as well as Kenta vs his trainer Kenta Kobashi. I’d love to mash those up and see Danielson vs Kobashi. I think that would go so hard. As far as my own dream match I’ve always said Danielson. I’m positive he’d fuck me up for real, but nothing would be more fulfilling than wrestling that man.”
Big thanks to Kevin Blackwood for doing the Quick Six with us! Check him out if you haven’t already!
Click here to check out Kevin Blackwood's match with MJF from a Smash Wrestling vs CZW event!
Kevin Blackwood
Instagram: @Blkwdxvx
Twitter: @Blkwdxvx
Interview conducted by Donnie Roses.
Instagram: @donniexroses
Twitter: @munishmentprtnz
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